We know you're in the game to score big with sales and profits. But, are you hitting as hard as you can? AdTel.Net's Full Contact turns leads into sales more effectively than any other player out there. Full Contact means just what it says, we keep you in touch with the buyer and don't loose them to the other team.
Full Contact then keeps up with your buyer by reminding them of appointments, touching base after three days and tracking them until they go from lead to customer.
Someone is going to sell the buyer lead a car. If they are interested enough to go through an application process, they are willing to proceed to the sale. If you want the touchdown profits, you've got to go Full Contact.
Full Contact and AdTel.Net are brought to you by AdTel International. Since 1992, we have been the leading provider of technology to the automotive subprime industry. We were the first on the field. Join our team and enjoy the feeling of winning over buyers.